In the vibrant streets of Australia, a chance encounter between a mysterious man named Chris and a spirited young woman, Juliet, sparks a connection that defies explanation. Juliet, yearning for a shift in her life's trajectory, finds herself drawn to Chris's enigmatic allure, their bond deepening with each passing moment.
But as swiftly as Chris enters her world, he vanishes without a trace, leaving Juliet grappling with unanswered questions and a profound sense of loss. Determined to forge her own path, Juliet embarks on a journey abroad, seeking solace in the promise of new beginnings.
Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of her newfound life abroad, memories of Chris linger, haunting her every step. Will fate conspire to reunite them once more, or are they destined to remain mere fragments of each other's past?
Dear Journal...
Everyone has a different love story,
but what is mine?
Sometimes, the universe decides that it would be a great idea to put some obstacles into your life.
Jisung, a student, was always able to deal with those things.
But will he deal with it when the most popular boy in school is the problem?
Ships :
- Minsung (main)
- Seungjin
- Changlix
- Jeongchan