Following the events of Rick Riordan's Heroes of Olympus comes a new tale of peril and adventure. Join a new team of demigods as they embark on an adventure, upon receiving a prophecy, as they seek to save the world from a rising evil that threatens to see their world turned to ruins.
"Alas, my friend...we could have done so much during your reign." The voice was soft yet harsh- almost a hiss coming from the darkness. One particular spirit would be the only one who paid it any heed, as it continued to speak. "We were one...We are one...And now, with your help once more- we can finally have it all." The Underworld had never been described to be pleasant and no one knew that better than the souls of the undead. Now; however, a slight sensation could be felt throughout the underground empire. Again, only one particular spirit seemed to have felt it. "Lend me your men, my old friend.... Lend me their bodies...." With that, the darkness would suddenly be brought forcefully into the light. The image seemed to spiral from blurry into focus again and the man would rise from his makeshift bed, squinting against the brightness. He looked around, hands feeling about his body, to make sure he was not dreaming. How was this possible....The man, with a wiry beard hanging off of his face, would run his fingers along the side of his eyes, nose, and then mouth. He felt the fragile texture beneath it and would pull his hand away to find red flesh hanging on what was left of his bones and joints. Now, he finally understood. He was alive. But he was also decaying by the minute. "The King of Armageddon has awoken," Came the same voice from before, only clearer now. And as the man looked frantically around the room with what was left of his eyes, he would come to the conclusion that he would find nothing in the damp, musty cavern he had been kept in. Because whoever it was that had spoken- was now laughing in the darkness of his own mind.