If I Could Go Back" is a captivating collection of poems by prolific author Pyro Tha Great. This book offers readers an intimate look into the thoughts, feelings, and experiences of Pyro during various points in his life. Through the use of vivid imagery and poetic language, readers will find themselves connecting to the words on the page and reflecting on their own life experiences. These heartfelt poems will evoke emotion and inspire readers to look back on their own life and contemplate how they would do things differently if they could go back in time. Get ready to be swept away on a journey of introspection, reflection, and emotion with "If I Could Go Back". This is Pyro's Third Pyro Pack of Poetry. Consider this to be a Poetic Mixtape with some great features including members of the Prolific Poetry Collective and other guest appearances. This project is before Pyro releases his 14th book entitled "Canvas."