It had been a year since his death. Rin was almost back to her regular self, still a little shaken up but fine all the same. Minato wasn't fine at all but he forced it down, he was the Hokage now! He needed to stay strong, or at least pretend he was. Kushina still cried, she knew she always would. He was like a son to her, No she had not birthed him, but she might as well have. He felt like flesh and blood to her. She wanted him to be the big brother of her future first born. But it was not to be, and for that she was sad.
Kakashi however, well... he was another story entirely.
A tall shinobi burst into the room panting and gasping. Minato and Kushina jumped out of their seats, now standing.
"What is it Ibiki?"
Minato asked, feeling panic spread through his nerves.
"Hokage-sama you- you have to come see this! Right away!"
He gasped.
"What is it?"
Kushina stepped forth.
"I fear if I tell you, you won't believe me!"
The couple exchanged a concerned glance but followed Ibiki with hast nonetheless. They traveled to the north side of the village, to the hospital for sick or injured criminals. The tall shinobi dragged them along quickly through the building and down several sets of stairs. Finally, once it seemed like they had reached the deepest part of the fissility, they spotted a doctor pacing the floor rapidly. Once she spotted them she bellowed forward.
"Thank kami, you finally here!"
"What the hell am I looking at?... Anzen... who am I looking at?"
He asked, his voice a little more steady this time.
She was on the verge of tears now two. To see her friends that she had always know as strong people fall apart within moments was... horrifying. Ibiki stood in the corner, forcing down any reaction at all.
"It- I-"
Anzen could not control her voice enough to speak.
"I think you know who your looking at."
Ibiki spoke for her.
"You know, you weren't supposed to see them."
He dropped my arm.
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
He grabbed my other arm, exposing those cuts as well. Bloody bandages fell to the ground and his expression changed.
"Is this supposed to make me feel better?!?!?!" He held both my arms in front of me. I could feel his hands shaking. I could hear his voice breaking. He was yelling, but I knew it was a facade. He wasn't angry. He was worried. He was sad.
He just doesn't know how to express anything else.
"It's fine. Don't worry. I'm okay."
He dropped my arms and stepped back a bit, looking down for a few seconds. He yelled in frustration, pushing me to the ground suddenly. I avoided eye contact.
"In what world?! What part of your fucked up mind is telling you that this is okay?!?! Because let me fucking tell you right now, if you ever fucking do this to yourself again I swear...."
He punched the wall and yelled in frustration, taking a deep breath to calm himself. He paused for a few seconds before speaking again.
"Get up." He held out his hand and I took it, standing up shakily. He grabbed my arms again, staring at them sadly. "Again? Why would you hide them again? Why this again?" He pled desperately.
"You two." A different voice from across the hallway said, making us both jump a bit.
Aizawa walked over to us, looking down at my cuts with slightly widened eyes, then back up at me with a concerned expression.
"I need to talk to both of you."