The sequel to Godzilla, King of the Monsters picks up five years later, where many are in favor of exterminating Godzilla and all the other Kaiju like him. The scientific organization Monarch however believes Godzilla and some other Kaiju to be benevolent and is against killing them. When the eco-terrorist Alan Jonah and his men steal the ORCA, a sonar device developed to communicate with Titans, Monarch pursues the terrorists to Outpost 32 in Antarctica: the resting place of the colossal Monster Zero. They are unable to stop Monster Zero from being unleashed, after which the three-headed terror awakens many of the other dormant Kaiju around the globe and bends them to his will. Now, Monarch must work alongside Godzilla and his mystical ally Mothra and the fire spitting Rodan to stop Monster Zero and his pawns before the entire global ecosystem is destroyed.All Rights Reserved
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