That's all I can say. SO. Read to figure out what the hell happens!
Kidding, here you go------
"They hate me." I leave my head hanging as I sit.
"They don't hate you." Damian says sitting next to me.
I look up, "Oh really? Have you seen all the tweets? I've gotten messages from them saying that they would freaking hurt me! Physically!" I groan.
He sighs, "I doubt they'd do anything."
"Mhm. Thanks for trying tho." I roll my eyes knowing he's trying his best to make the situation seem not as bad. Even though it is quite bad.
"If they hurt you they'll end up feeling like shit, trust me." He nods standing up and walking towards the door.
I sigh, "I don't know."
Steffi's been through a lot with the boys- they've fought together, they've discovered many things together and they all became great friends. Until her idiotic father made her leave them and join his good friends spy agency. Now that the boys all hate Steffi again? They want nothing more than to see her in pain or hurt, little do they know though that they all need each other to reunite.
Someone might get a bloody nose along the way, but we'll see.