Pandavas..... Son of Maharaja Pandu...... Tigers among Men ...... Pride of Kuru Lineage...... The soul of their Mother ........ Born as royals to pious Mothers and righteous Father yet they suffered more than most . Atrocities were committed by their own blood towards them yet they never got justice and the perpetrators never got punishment. Pandavas won the war but did they truly. They who suffered even after the war , the trauma of killing their family , friends, allies and teachers never leaving them. The truth was after they left the lap of Shatshringa and the shadow of their father , the Pandavas never knew peace . They were victims of conspiracy after conspiracy but this time due to the actions of a fool , the sons of Pandu recieved a shield which is impenetrable and won't let a single weapon draw even a drop of their blood. Credits for Cover and Banners goes to @_Jibasmita_creates_ !!! Thank you for the wonderful Cover and Banners. Warning :The story is clearly centered around the Pandavas if it's not up to your interest please do not read .All Rights Reserved