The third book in the Valkyrie Project follows the movements of the crew of the UIN vessel the Freyja, and new ally Lillevenn, descendant of Loki, as they navigate a war the Queen of the Dead has foretold. A little girl rescued from the xenomorph moon may not be what she appears, her growing friendship with Lillevenn harbinger of the changes to come. With Lillevenn as the Queen's emissary, he must negotiate alliances with not only Midgard but a shadowy threat of which Lillevenn has only heard whispered in the darkest corners of the Nine Realms: the Dokkalfar, dark elves rumored to be bent on domination, aggression, and victory in battle at all costs. As pieces fall into place, Lillevenn must take stock of his new allies, deciding which can be trusted, which roles they play, and if their powers are enough to defeat both Ljosalfar, the light elves, and the Frost giants of Jotunheim.