Nova Live is a Wattpad series about a group of talented idols who are trying to make it big in the entertainment industry. The story follows Emi Akanashi, the protagonist and leader of the group, as she navigates the ups and downs of being an idol. Throughout the series, Emi and her fellow members of Nova Live face numerous challenges, from tough auditions to intense competitions. But they also experience the thrill of performing for their fans and the joy of creating music together. As the series progresses, Nova Live grows and evolves, adding new members and exploring new genres of music. But no matter what obstacles they face, they always come back to their shared love of music and their dedication to making their dreams a reality. With a mix of drama, comedy, and plenty of musical performances, Nova Live is a series that will keep readers entertained and inspired as they follow Emi and her friends on their journey to stardom.
12 parts