"Super Nova Live" is a new volume of the ongoing idol series that follows a new protagonist named Akira Yamamoto. Akira is a science genius who has a passion for both science and music, but has to make a decision on which path to pursue. One day, she receives an unexpected offer to attend a prestigious school known for producing top idols, Nova Academy. Akira struggles to balance her love for science and music while also adjusting to life at Nova Academy, where she meets a diverse group of talented individuals who share her passion for music. Together, they form a new idol group called Super Nova and embark on a journey to become the next big thing in the music industry. Throughout the series, Akira and her fellow Super Nova members face various challenges and obstacles, from competing in fierce music battles to dealing with personal struggles and conflicts. But with their unwavering determination and support for each other, they overcome these challenges and grow stronger as both individuals and as a group.
2 parts