STORY: First it was being in a Coma, then it was finding you had friends, a lover and a fighter, a sister; crazy but non-the-less your sister. Now it was time to run and hide; a game of hide and seek if you will. Karkat and Sollux don't plan on losing you again, or ever. They take you away along with your friends, with nothing to lose you run for your life from the crazy bitch from hell, Izzy. But, (Y/N)? What will you do if you're found? Or if someone dies this time? I guess my answers will be answered at the end of the story.... HELLO! My name is Izzy! This is my second book for: Forgetting The HomeStuck (Only because popular demand) I'm really excited for this story! I didn't even think my fanfiction would become so famous. WaRnInG: YOU HAVE TO READ THE FIRST BOOK BEOFORE THIS ONE! YOU WILL BE CONFUSED! IF YOU DONT. FINE! :3All Rights Reserved