lucy is meliodas half sister her mom is half goddess and half fairy when meliodas falls for the goddess elizabeth she keeps it a secret and gets punished kinda like elizabeth and meliodas but when she dies there is a chance she will be reborn like elizabeth most of the time she comes back like meliodas one time she died she came back she was reborn as kings younger sister she is a little older then elaine Wendy is elizabeths half sister but she is also meliodas half sister she has the same curse as meliodas Juvia is gilthunders half sister her mother died when giving birth to her and their father always put gilthunder over her but gilthunder always made time to spend with his sister levy is bans younger sister she went with ban to find the fountin of youth before the demon tried to kill them elaine hid levy so she wouldnt get hurt but she found a wolf that has fairy wings it bit her and ever sence then she has had weird powers
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