Serial Designation N x Male reader _________________________________________________________________ Him knowing the earth would slowly end and his life so he created cute little drones that helps humans and serve them though to Dr.Z's life was getting shorter and shorter, and he knew this, so he created Drone 00 also known as [Y / N] where Dr.Z stored his memories in a chip and put it in the drone as he sends it in space to a planet called Copper 9 where [Y / N] experienced life like how humans do when they are born. As that life was failing since Disassembles came to Copper 9 and went killing other drones causing them to hide but they couldn't find places then there was drone called Khan Doorman the one who build a door where the bunker was sealed from the Disassembles, they haven't noticed that those Disassembles couldn't be in the sun as they would overheat and die. [Y / N] became a teacher's assistant at WDF high school where he met an angsty teen called Uzi Doorman then things started going down the icy hill. _________________________________________ ➤ Murder Drones belongs to Liam Vickers and SMG4 ➤ I don't own anything expect for 2 ocs. ➤ [Y / N] belongs to everyone ➤ The cover is mineSeluruh Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang