My name is Elise, and I am 15 years old. I have been living inside an orphan compound for as long as I can remember. No one likes it here, but really, who would? Getting jabbed with needles all the time, and being trapped in a glass room all day isn't really that fun. I've heard of another world where there's these things called 'parents' that watch over them. Apparently I used to have them, and everyone here. I'm not sure if I like these people. What parent would give away their child? Well, I guess I already know that answer. Mine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My name is Tyler. Tyler 3.14. I am training here for the battle I will fight in when I turn 16. I only have 3 months to go until I get to join in fighting for the world. Sounds important, right? It did, until I knew what I was going to be doing. I was going to be a suicide bomber.