The story follows two young girls and two young boys called Eula, Ganyu, Kaeya and Kazuha as their journey in middle school. The group of friends always stood up to each other when they got bullied. They always had lunch together and never missed a day where they would hangout. Their friendship is nothing more than they could ask but soon their friendship was breaking apart. ue to some problems. Both the girls and the boys are now going in their separate ways. Will they ever become friends again or will they stay as pure enemies? ALSO THE STORY ISN'T DONE YET AS I AM CURRENTLY OUT OF IDEAS RIGHT NOW. IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS PLEASE COMMENT THEM AND I MIGHT ADD IT. ANOTHER THING IS I MIGHT BE BUSY WITH SCHOOL AND HOMEWORK BUT I WILL TRY TO FIND TIME AND MAKE EDITS. ANYWAYS I HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR READ!!All Rights Reserved