"Emergence" is the story of Casey, a young woman who lives in a hidden underground forest that is haunted by evil. Armed with a magical futuristic sword, she sets out on a dangerous journey with her friend Jack to defeat the evil and return to the upper side of earth. Along the way, she faces numerous challenges and must draw upon her inner strength and courage to overcome them. With a happy ending, the story is ultimately one of triumph and self-discovery, as Casey emerges from her battles a hero and a true warrior.Todos os Direitos Reservados
"Emergence" is the story of Casey, a young woman who lives in a hidden underground forest that is haunted by evil. Armed with a magical futuristic sword, she sets out on a dangerous journey with her friend Jack to defeat the evil and return to the upper side of earth. Along the way, she faces numerous challenges and must draw upon her inner strength and courage to overcome them. With a happy ending, the story is ultimately one of triumph and self-discovery, as Casey emerges from her battles a hero and a true warrior.