February 25 Exceptance “I want G-d’s will for me,” I sigh to my sponsor. “Except for this and except for that,” is her trig response. She knows me, knows I have exceptance. “You have a list of exclusions, a list that dams up the works.” “Well, trust is hard,” I splutter. “Trust is not the issue here,” says she. “You don’t feel acceptable and exceptance is what follows.” “Whatever could you mean?” my broken bluster leaving only this plaintive whine. “You believe you’re not good enough for G-d or anyone and cross everything off the list in an attempt to duck blame or shame or some other nasty thing. You are good enough kiddo, get that and everything else is good enough, too. At least good enough for now and now is all we have. Accept that.” Include water in your life * TOP The chipped paint of the red stripe Gives the illusion of fading to rose as it spins The edge, painted thalo green, in it's intensity Reflects the windows of the room. The bead, purple and gleaming Affixed to the stem holds the cuff With it's two opposed openings The cord recoiled inside. Underneath, protected from easy observation Resides the point, lathed and faultless The turning weight is carried and balanced Perfectly on this nib. The hum, spiraling and melodic Comes from the table as well as the top The aptness of form and function Grace and harmony In spite of it all The only thing Which truly matters Is who pulls the string. You are reading selections from More Sober on the Way to Sane and Lines From My Life by Sherrie Theriault http://www.amazon.com/More-Sober-The-Way-Sane/dp/144141231X/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1374072329&sr=8-3&keywords=sober+on+the+way+to+sane http://www.amazon.com/Lines-My-Life-Sherrie-Theriault/dp/1448652820/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1374072576&sr=1-1&keywords=Lines+from+my+life%2C+Sherrie+theriaultAll Rights Reserved
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