Small warning:bad grammer lazy writing,slow updates Selene Veros and her girlfriend Alice Conce were waiting for the the light to turn green to walk.While they were waiting Alice dropped her "insert literally anything" and it rolled onto the road ,Alice seeing no cars ran onto the road to get it but once she bend down she noticed Truck - kun speeding towards her .Selene seeing this ran to protect Alice but in the end they both died. Selene: "WHAT.... *heavy breathing*" Looking around Selene noticed she was in a dark void,getting up and realising what just happened she couldn't help but scream for Alice Selene:ALICE WHERE ARE YOU "Host could you quiet down" Said a irritated voice Selene:Eh who's there!? A little floating spark could be seen infront of Selene Unknown:Hello host,to make things easy you are dead and are going to be reincarnated into the body of your favourite character Cales Livonne Selene: Wait what about Alice Unknown:I can't tell you much besides the fact that she's fine Selene*sigh of relief* Okay I can do this But i wanna name you Unknown:fine what do you want to name me host Selene:Let's name you bubbles Bubbles:Why that name*irritated sigh* Selene:Because it's cute Bubbles: fine anyway it's time host Selenes vision fades and she soon wakes up in the bed of her beloved characterAll Rights Reserved