"The eyes only see what the mind can comprehend" Beauty is not in the answers, but in the question. Here lies a world to explore, exploit, succumb to the wistful thought of what could have been and what is, just like life, it starts off simple and mold to change into an unknown creation, be one with the mystery, cry and sing and dance and spin and jump and breathe in the very creation of this masterpiece, freedom is yours....
- A paragraph from a future war episode/part.
Within the confines of reality, lived a simple family, wealthy and content, the eldest however, hid a secret... Our universe, the very fabric of this world comes from 5 elements, Space, Water, Earth, Fire and Wind. These magical concepts help keep the world in balance, 5 sisters and 5 friends, blessed by this gift or perhaps cursed by it, take on this responsibility, heirs to their thrones, the blood in their veins pumping with magic since birth, learn to take on this responsibility over time, the eldest their gurus, they will soon carve and create a new generation of stability and learn extraordinary abilities along the way, a war will emerge, bringing secrets and history to light, what they are knowledged of WILL be questioned, the question for you is, can you bear to hear the truth, the bloodshed and torture, a tale of death and life and and things better kept under covers? and it all starts here...
I can hear leaves rustling, cold wind on my face. What are these dreams?!?!
As they say 'Don't judge the plot by it's intro'
I wonder what's in store for YOU next??....
What if... what if you weren't happy...
What if you didn't feel that spark...
What if you were with him... your lover... the man your parents tied to you...
But he's just not... the one...
"I forbid you to see him."
"You cant do that!"
What if... what if HE could make it all... go away...
I mean... wouldn't you let him?