What happens when you fall in love with your first boy at ten? What happens when said boy is connected to the very phenomenon that threatens to destroy your town? That threatens to destroy your whole reason of existence? What happens when the stars align on a particular rainy night and it sets free a world guarded by nature? A Kingdom of alarmed Fae and revenge driven souls. What happens if everyone you've ever known was in on this the entire time? As they've been anxiously waiting for the day they'd be proven right. What happens when it's that very world that opens the wounds of your friends, that digs deep into your soul and dares to change you forever? Evan Halseth tells the story of the Beginning of the End for Clementine's College and for their very small town of Larkinge. It always, always, begins the very same. "The Force of Nature had a name. And his name was Louis, Louis Bannister"