Synopsis: My name Is Julieta Natalia Torres or just Julieta. I've been acting seriously since I was 15. I'm most known for my role in Elite as Lucia, Ander's best friend. I'm also known as "Aron Piper's ex" and "Ferran Torres' sister." I love my job, I've met some of my closest friends through it. I spent a lot of time getting to know Aron who played Ander, my best friend on the show and eventually we started dating, he was my first serious relationship. He chose to end things a year after we finished Elite. It was hard but we still get along and who said you can't be friends with an ex? Well actually everyone has told me from my brother's girlfriend to my brother. I've gone on a couple dates with one guy after Aron but he ghosted me out of nowhere, I didn't tell my brother since he would go big brother mode on him, that is if I told who.