Humanity, wanting only more and more, in the name of glory and power, eventually doomed itself, leading to their demise on Earth. Some escaped, settling down on Eiyressia, a forgotten planet, that was once discovered by humanity, unnaturally similar to their home.
They adapted to the new environment, creating settlements, nations. As time passed, humanity forgot about its past. Focusing on the present, trying to fix all the mistakes, they made. However, the idea that Eiyressia is a heaven for humanity was discarded and a terrifying thought was brought to life. One cannot always see, what is hidden in the darkness.
It all started with a vision. A vision of a fuming stranger being tortured by a man with hard gray eyes. Samara doesn't know who either of these men are, but after repeated visions that make her head throb, she decides she must help that stranger.
Not sure where to start, Samara explores Curio with thoughts of nothing else. Little did she know that the search for this stranger would take her on a wild adventure to a new land, and help her understand her mysterious powers that she's had since birth.
As she learns more about herself, she begins to wonder just why she has these extraordinary abilities, and if they are actually the gift she always thought they were.