What happens when the ' Knights of Cydonia ' meet the gods of Asgard? Let the delirium begin!
From chapter IB:
"That's enough, get up, everyone!" Loki urged them and the four obeyed. "Stop it! All this is not a movie, it is not fiction, there are no scenic effects, there are no jokes. It's the purest reality ever!" He explained, creating a dozen clones who surrounded them.
Dismayed and terrified, the three musicians had no other choice but to believe what they were seeing.
"Bravo! Bravo!" Tom applauded enthusiastically. "Magnificent, a performance of great effect!"
"Yes, yes, I know. Okay, that's enough!" Loki made a quick gesture with his hand and his clones vanished in the air.
"The point is that magic exists, Asgard exists, I, Loki, who have been their King, wrongfully ousted, exist and I need you and your services!" He declared.
"And what do you want from us?" Dom ventured to ask him.
"Do you think he want you to repaint his house? Come on, Dom, use your brain! What could he ever ask you for? A concert, of course!" Tom answered for him.
"Well, back in my old days, I used to be a decent house painter..." Matt pointed out.
(Y/n)'s surroundings changed. She was in the Asgard throne room, Loki in front of her.
"(Y/n) you must leave Thor, so that you may come home." Loki begged.
"I can not leave Thor. He must return home. Odin must allow him to return home."
"Father has fallen into Odinsleep." Loki explained, "I am king now."
"Then you can send us back!" (Y/n) said excitedly.
"My first act can't be to repeal the last," Loki argued, "You were not part of that act. (Y/n), please, come home. Come home so you may become my queen."
"I can't leave your brother."
"He's not my brother. Odin lied, he lied from our childhood." Loki's skin turned to a light blue, his eyes a dark red, "I am of Jotunheim. A monster."
"You are no monster Loki," (Y/n) placed her hand on Loki's cheek, her skin burning, but no damage being done, "You, are who you choose to be. Please, send us home soon."
(Y/n) kissed Loki's cold lips as her form began to disappear, "I love you."