Of Dwarves and Men {Boromir/LOTR}
55 capítulos Concluído "Now I lay me down to sleep
I pray the lords my soul to keep
See me safely through the night
And wake me with the morning light"
...and though that morning light is but a ghost on the Eastern horizon, it is one onto which we cling. In this dark age of begotten Ringwraiths, rogue orcs, and Sauron's rise, it is a hope that we will live to see another day.
But as direction goes, it is not so much a morning light, nor an Eastern one, but that of infinitesimal flames roving across the lands yet funneling in the Northeast. These are the flames of Phoenicians, cause of Sauron's original downfall and back for our final battle.
This is a story of a return to light within the very heart of Gondor's son. The tragic death to counter Durin's, only withheld by a tear of heavenly descent. And though his ways are ones of great fault, he is yet to be the most deserving of all humanity...a true light in the darkness.
Let us then begin the tale of dwarves and men.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own "The Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings" as all rights belong to J.R.R. Tolkien and Peter Jackson. I also do not own the media I post or the cover; they belong to their respective owners. I only own my original dialogue, scenes, and characters: Sidel, Erudian, Pyrhhin, Palo, Ruelin, Cashel, Frerin II, Denzel, Thren, Thrain II, and Typhon.