Who says a black man can't be an anime hero? This story follows Jaden Inuzuka, a 15-year-old who had nonstop misfortune and suffered many heartbreaks, combined with his history of being robbed, betrayed, humiliated, and treated unfairly. At the start of his first year in high school, his life is completely turned upside down by the arrival of Yukihime Yamataka, aka Yuki who claimed to be his fiancée. She gives him a love letter and Jaden can't believe his luck, when he meets her at the park after class, she kisses him on the lips, unlocking sealed memories of their reunion and when the two formed a love pact after Jaden saved her during childhood eight years ago. After that, Jaden gets an even bigger surprise: the petite, buxom babe not only has the perfect body, but a set of fox ears and a floofy tail. It turns out that Yuki is a tenko, a pure-blooded fox demon and a goddess in the Japanese religion of Shintoism who is also a princess. As it turns out, Yuki has traveled back to the human realm to fulfill her childhood promise to be Jaden's bride when he came of age. While not agreeing to marry her as soon as he comes of age, he agrees to step out with her and go from there. Jaden's life is no longer the same as Yuki is very glued to him both in and outside of school. Meanwhile, an evil fox yokai named Yoko builds her own army using the souls of the hundreds of criminals Jaden had killed over the years. In a world of dog eat dog, Yuki's foxy love for Jaden may be his only hope for survival. On their first date, Jaden and Yuki become engaged after Yuki reads Jaden's mind and finds out that he doesn't mind the idea of marrying her. Jaden confesses something to Yuki; Jaden knows a way to defeat Yoko?! Will Jaden, Yuki, and the rest of the crew be able to crush Yoko's ambitions and secure their future?
{Revision In process}
Early on you will most likely come across spelling errors and strange changes in the story. I may or may not go back to fix some mistakes, we'll see. Just know that the complete rewrite will come out much better.
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Takahashi Atsumi was absolutely captivated by two Hashira of opposite elements.
The Flame pillar, Rengoku Kyojuro, was the sweetest man you'd ever meet.
Tomioka Giyuu's mysterious persona-albeit cold and antisocial-caught Atsumi's attention.
Being the social butterfly she is, she begins feeling the need to build a friendship with the Mist pillar, Tokito Muichiro. But if Atsumi's able to push bast his tall, emotionless wall, how far will their "friendship" go?
Title inspiration~ Nobody else: Hwasa, Mamamoo
H/C~ dark red fading Into black
E/C~ Royal blue
Haori design~ tan-royal blue
Breathing style~ Breath of the Tsushima Leopard cat (Leopard breathing)