Following the events of the first film of Balto, former lead sled dog Alaskan Malamute Steele was forced to run away from his former hometown, Nome, Alaska, refusing to give up his collar to Balto who successfully delivered the medicine to the poor, innocent children. Humiliated, abandoned by his former friends and fans, and vowing revenge, he arrives in Nenana, Alaska, where he befriends a local resident named Daisy Erickson, who takes him under her wing alongside her parents, as well as Anya the Duck and Helen the Goose. He also unexpectedly bumps into Siberian Husky Sonja, a newly lead dog who lacks experience and competition, who was willing to forgive others who have hurt her in the past. When upon learning slowly about a plot against the Erickson family, Steele teams up with other dogs to protect his new family and friends. But to accomplish this, he must have a change of heart and accept Balto as the Hero of Nome.
She was the one that was going to teach him what affection was, what being loved felt like.
And he was going to teach her how thrilling a secret can be.
I do not own any of the obx characters.