A Humanized AU. In Los Angeles a new boy named Hotitus Rodimus (AKA) "Hot Rod" (AKA) "Rodimus" Fireson has just been accept to a new school. He is 12 and in 7th grade. He is really looking forward to starting at a new school. The new school is boarding school called Rising Star Academy. He is wondering what it is going to be like at his new school. There he meets the dean of the school Optimus Prime, the dorm advisors Sentinel Prime, Ultra Magnus and the head of discipline Megatron. He also makes friends with some other kids too. Springer Triplor, Arcee Pinn, Brawn Breaker, Ironhide Farmer, Bumblebee Buzz, Bulkhead Harden, Highhorse Pride, Starscream Staris, Slipstream Winds, Jetfire and Jetstorm Soar, Prowl Lawdon, Jazz Stylz, Blaster Tuner, and Hannah Maxston. Together they have fun and do what friends do. They all learn together and grow during their one of many years there at this special school. They soon have fun and learn and grow. They find love and eventual romances and heartbreak at times. But things can get a little crazy at times or pretty boring but hey that's school. (Humanized)