Not many understand the complications of growing up in a society that is completely against your beliefs. Yes I am covered, and many of you may be thinking I'm some terrorist. Or a towel-head. Or bald. Or a girl that showers with her headscarf on. Or that I have had an arranged marriage. Well, being covered from head to toe is a big factor in my life. It restrains me from doing several things other girls can do. Despite the rules, limits and boundaries we have in life, we still tend to fall in love. Yet, even those we fall for aren't easily accepted in our lives. Others object to our decisions, then greater complications occur. Perhaps my character resembles most young girls in today’s western society. The reality is, no matter who we are or what we do, we are all being categorized and as much as I'd like to say 'Only God can judge', it's not that easy.Public Domain
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