It all started because of that game. It was an erotic game, really. In it, a massive apocalypse happened, filled with monster girls to the brim. And what do these monster girls want? To suck you up dry, of course!
Now, usually in these games, you get sucked up, get a quick session with your pickle, and that's it. But, this game was different. In it, you can choose what to do with the monster after you defeated it. Either you can spare it, or kill it. It was such an interesting concept for me. I decided to go with a neutral route, where I sometimes spare sometimes kill, if you spare you don't get the xp, so it was a bit hard, so I did some killing here and there. I can always replay the game after finishing It, after all. But before I got to the ending, the save file somehow got corrupted.
After a couple of moments of lament, I decided to try again, and save multiple times this time, but I decided to try a full-on full mercy run. Keep it between us, or call me a wimp, but I felt a tang of sadness when I killed those monsters. It felt odd, the voice they made, I mean. When they died, I could literally hear the voice in my head despite me not wearing headphones.
That's why I decided to do a mercy run. But when I tried to boot up the game, the screen suddenly shone bright, almost blinding me.
And now, here I am. Stranded in this god-forsaken place, filled with monsters that can suck me up, both my treasure and my literal soul.
"Shit" I swore holding my nose, it seemed broken and the effect of our collision drew some blood.
"Gosh, I'm so sorry" a soft feminine voice apologizes
"I swear, I didn't notice you were there" she says again.
I turn around and I'm face to face with what initially I thought should be a goddess, hair and body wrapped in towels.
She seemed to notice the blood from my nose.
"You need to fix that" she says pointing towards my that she takes my hand pulling me into a room which i think is hers.
Rummaging through a drawer, she retrives a cotton wool, taking a piece of it, she presses it to my nose and holds it there.
I'm surprised by this gesture, but there really was no need for this, my body was beginning to heal already. One of the many benefits of possessing abilities as mine.
I immediately seized the opportunity to study her.
She had a straight face, slightly pointed nose. Her small, luscious lips were slightly parted. With skin glowing like crystals, I was ready to bet my skin she really was a goddess among other girls.
My eyes travelled away from her face....downwards... The towel that covered her body was incredibly short revealing a pair of beautifully tanned legs... Instantly my testosterone began to skyrocket.
And then I caught her scent... She is just HUMAN... But I could sense something about her, something different.