32 parts Complete "Death is a natural part of life," he said simply, leaning against the weathered tree. "It is as certain as the change of seasons, and as unforgiving as the tide. One must either wait for their time, or fight the tide itself. There is nothing as hollow as waiting to die, and I refuse to give in. Not yet."
Monsters are real. The worst of them are human. Akane knows that all too well, living as a killer in the service of ancient gods, a pawn in the schemes of warlords out to rule the world by any means necessary. Imprisoned for eight hundred years, unleashed into the modern day, and nothing has changed for the man cursed to lose everything. All that's left is one final chance at a new beginning, one last trail of blood on the long road home.
Fight your doom.
Break your chains.
Live free or die trying.