Fanfic Young Royals here...
First, we have a greek story, then we have the same one in english, for our foreign language friends.
So, season 2 of the series Young Royals was recently released on Netflix... I highly recommend you go watch it. The stories "Missing You", "Without You" and "Come Back To Me" are based on it, just like this one. For all those who are sick and tired of love and romance... Go away, this one is definitely not for you. 😂 This one may have... A little plot twist. Good or bad, I don't know. You'll tell me.
If you have seen Young Royals and you are a fan of Simon and Wille, then go ahead, read this fanfic, and leave your comments! If not, then go watch the series and then come back here and do all the things i mentioned 😂
Ολα ξεκινησαν οταν η οικογένεια της Y/N πεθανε εκτος απο 2 ατομα.Καθως εκεινη μεγαλωνε με τον πατριος της,εκεινος αποφασισε να την πουλήσει σε εναν πολυ γνωστο αντρα.Αυτος ο αντρας την εδωσε σε καποιον μαφιοζο ο οποίος αναζητουσε να νιωσει την λεξη αγαπη και ζεστασια.Δεν μπορω να σας πω τον λογο...αλλα το σιγουρο ειναι οτι θα ερωτευτουν τρελα παρα τα εμποδια που βρηκαν μπροστα τους.Τι θα απογίνουν ομως τα 2 μελη της οικογένειας της?