⚠️Under heavy revision, the only things I can guarantee that will be the same is the characters names once it is finished, you will want to read it again.⚠️ Have you ever wanted to read a story about a female gang leader on a made up island where biker gangs run the country. An island where weed, 190proof, and magic mushrooms are encouraged, and everyone minds their own business because the only way to get things is to trade your time and energy for things? But the twist is the ones who wish to not trade their time nor energy for their needs, has decided to start a war with the government. With the wildest plot twist my 15 year old mind could think of, I now present to you a story that needs help. ✨I'm drawing inspiration from you all, leave comments editing wording, or just some inspiration. This is no where near complete, chapter 29 is half finished as it's been for the last 3 years, I need inspiration. I'll have an email in my bio for you to send full length ideas to, or you can PM.✨