psychedelic mushrooms brought us closer I've been taking psychedelic mushrooms with my mom for 14 years. It's brought us closer together. My first experience with psychedelics was with my mom when I was 22. We decided to grow our own when we couldn't find mushrooms in Alabama. At 22 years old, I had the most experience from . My self-appointed trip guide gave me a half-eighth of psilocybin mushrooms. I figured the few dry stems and one button-sized cap weren't enough to do anything. But I trusted my guide. We had shared quite a few joints and even tried MDMA together before. She was my mom. That first trip was only a microdose. During the peak, my mom set up a ring with chairs and let loose two dozen robotic bugs that skittered like cockroaches onto the floor. Even though I wasn't visually hallucinating, it freaked me out a little because I didn't know what had possessed her. Minutes later, I'd settled in, enjoying the lifelike and hypnotic rhythms of the robot-insects. It was enough to tease my imagination for more. We started growing our own mushrooms My mom had received that first baggie of mushrooms as a gift from a friend. After that, we were dry, and procuring something like that 14 years ago in Alabama, where I was born and raised, wasn't easy. Not long after that initial trip, while working as a magazine manager at a bookstore, I saw an ad in "High Times" for an at-home "EZ Grow" mushroom kit. It was $120 for a grow bag andAll Rights Reserved