Glitter in my Eyes
Riven x Reader
{Authors note:
Alright before I start, I know a lot of people ain't gonna read this, I'm bored, there is very little on the Winx in general, and I liked this guy as a kid. I have a thing for jackass muscle guys. Also, this mf needs to get smacked in some moments and Imma does it.
For context on the reader and how I wanna make this follow the good parts of the show but still have my own originality mixed in, the reader is Bloom's parents' bio kid a year before Bloom gets taken in, she ain't gonna be a fairy.
Yeah, I know the show is about fairies and stuff but somebody needs to be the normal bitch on campus with common sense and can do the obvious shit in the girls' situations. Also, somebody needs to tell the Trix bitches to fuck off. There will be a part that won't make sense but neither does the show's logic and common sense make any sense either?
The reader is bi when there is an outfit outing or like a dance scene I'll try to find an outfit for the reader to wear, or I might draw one of my own to sprinkle in some creativity, or yall can look at Pinterest, idc, I'm not gonna make you guys suffer with the crop top and glitter mini skirts with skinny ass stomachs. Like their intestines are non-existent, that's why we never see them eating.
But anyway, make fun of this if you want, I judge it as I make it. You cannot comment on something I haven't judged about this mid-2000s horridly written storyline fanfic yet.
Anyway, you're normal, you're bi, and you're gonna punch this guy.
Also yes I'm aware this is the mid-2000s timing when the show came out but I'm going with my tech stuff because of convenience, like a laptop and a normal phone.
(Dec 13, 23 note- I'm making the reader bi for drama and making some interactions with Riven and also Darcy a little spicy, so heads up- I say drama cause Darcy hypnotized him and ended up actully liking him soo yah. ✨️Fanfiction✨️)