Genius tech wizard Wynter Jade has two polar opposite sides to her life. On the one hand, she is an A star student at a relatively normal school, skipping ahead a few years due to her intellect, an absolute god at computers, hacking and all things tech, you know, the norm. On the other, when she is not at school, her and her best friend Erin Harper tend to create havoc with their other two friends Vera Dawn and Autumn Miller. All four of them work on and off at a nearby cafe, live in neighbouring apartments, and live life to the fullest extent, drinking, being stupid and probably ultimately fucking up their lives.
That is until Wynter and Erin end up drunk at a building site with cones on their heads, acting like rhinos. This gets the attention of many and soon ends up being a problem. How will they react when The Avengers arrive and take them back to the tower to sober up?
I read a few books with either one or the other lifestyle and I wanted to see what it would be like to combine the two. Making it up as I go so I hope this will be fun.
Multiple POVs/texting/social mediai
rankings bc ye
#2 avengersxoc
#11 avengersau