Are you thinking of getting laser hair removal done? Or have you booked your hair removal appointment and now are searching for how to prep your skin? We have all been there. While being hairless sounds terrific, the word laser can sound a little daunting too. Laser hair removal is pretty much close to painless. Sure, it has some discomfort during, but the pain is minimal, almost non-existent too. One of the things that can guarantee you have an amazing laser hair removal session is prepping your skin. Preparing your skin before laser hair removal can help you during and after laser hair removal too. It can help your session go smoothly and reduce redness later on. Here are some tips on how to prep your skin for laser. 1- Exfoliate! Exfoliation is essential to remove dead skin cells. But don't go overboard. Exfoliate between 24 and 48 hours before your appointment. On the day you laser, you don't want to cause additional sensitivity or irritation to your skin. Hence why you should do it a few days before the appointment. 2- Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! We mentioned that thrice because hydration is THAT important for laser hair removal. Not just physically but normally too. We advise our patients to start hydrating at least two days before their treatment, drink around two litres of water per day and crank up the hydrating mists and creams on the laser area for smoother and less painful treatment. Hydration also means your skin will heal faster, which will help you in the aftercare of your laser hair removal session. Rights Reserved