20 parts Ongoing In the bustling metropolis of New York City, our lively girl, Princess of Jaipur is a bright young woman, who came to New York to complete her higher education. She is a girl, who is able to balance her lively and sweet nature with maturity. However, there is a dark shadow looming over her past, one that she has fought tirelessly to escape from. With a heavy heart, she avoids returning to her homeland, fearing that the ghosts of her past will come back to haunt her.
But fate has a funny way of playing its hand, and soon enough, The Princess finds herself back in her motherland for reasons beyond her control. As she navigates the familiar streets of her childhood, memories come flooding back to her, both good and bad. And amidst all of this chaos, she comes face to face with the one person who is her destiny too - her husband.
Will she be able to move on and start afresh, or will the scars of her past continue to haunt her for eternity? Only time will tell in this riveting tale of love, loss, and self-discovery.