Summary: Boruto and his friends are tasked with investigating a series of strange disappearances in the Hidden Leaf Village. As they delve deeper into the mystery, they encounter a mysterious ninja who seems to be manipulating shadows to carry out their nefarious deeds. The ninja is unlike any they have faced before, and they soon realize that they need the help of a skilled shadow user to stop them. Enter Kira, a young ninja from a distant land who specializes in shadow jutsu. Kira is a skilled fighter and a quick learner, but she is also haunted by a tragic past that she is reluctant to share with anyone. Despite her reservations, Boruto and his friends convince her to join their team and help them track down the shadow ninja. As Kira works alongside Boruto and his friends, she begins to form close bonds with them and starts to feel like she has found a new home in the Hidden Leaf Village. However, as the group gets closer to uncovering the truth behind the disappearances, Kira's past comes back to haunt her in a big way. She is forced to confront her demons and make a decision that will change her life forever. Will Kira be able to overcome her past and help Boruto and his friends stop the shadow ninja? Or will her personal struggles get in the way of their mission? Find out in "The Shadow Ninja," a thrilling tale of friendship, betrayal, and the power of the human spirit.All Rights Reserved