Charlotte enjoys many things; reading, listening to music, a good meal, and her fluffy kitty, Chicken, to name a few. Her life is quiet and she prefers it that way. But when her previous employer decides they no longer need a personal assistant, Charlotte must throw her name in the pot and find a new boss.
Imagine her shock when her agency explains her new charge is none other then the lead singer and guitarist for Corroded Coffin, Eddie Munson. In her line of work, word travels fast and Eddie's name has been linked to some of the worst horror stories a personal assistant would ever dread hearing.
Eddie has always been adamant about not needing an assistant, wanting to figure out his own way. But over the past year, Eddie has lost himself and it has effected his work. The label demands he hire a P.A and their hopes lie with Charlotte. Will she be able to break through Eddie's ornery and icy exterior to the man he once was? Or is he really lost forever?
Help Wanted is an Eddie Munson Fan Fiction. I do not own any of Stranger Things characters. Mature Audiences Only! There will NOT be trigger warnings before each chapter and some content may be upsetting. Read at your own risk!