A death corporation run by a mystery man named Reaper, who has fallen into a dark era ever since his partner died, with her blood on his hands...Ever since then her death, the corporation has grown in numbers, and millions of people lost their life's every day. this has been going on for quite some time now, and opthe team U.R.E.C, aren't too happy about this...
Until, Reaper's corporation took a massive mistake and three of the most important members, Antagonist, Inky, and Moon have been held captive under his Control.
This action has pissed the U.R.E.C to the limits, Scarlett, Fizzy, Max, Geno, and Yaki try to bring Reaper and his cooperation to Justice. Yet the struggle is constant for them, as the months go by more problems rise to the surface, How would the others change the fate of their world