In a mystical school where students wield mysterious powers, a young girl embarks on a journey of self-discovery.
Uncovering a hidden past, she learns of her parents' tragic fate, igniting a quest for truth and justice.
As she delves deeper into the secrets of the school and her own abilities, she unravels a web of intrigue that challenges everything she thought she knew.
Will she unlock the key to her past and shape her future, or will the shadows of the past consume her? Join her on a thrilling adventure where magic, mystery, and destiny collide in unexpected ways.
Hobi accidentally got an admission in Conflux Arcana The School of Magic ,he travels there.
BTS finds out something is wrong with the school , murders are happening, the unforgotten power is back after 40 years. How will they fight it? The untold secret has to release.
Read to find out
Conflux Arcana The School of Magic