Deep in a distant village, the Oni's lived peacefully until the humans discovered them. The Shogun, the village chief of the Oni's, attempted to coexist with the humans, but it was not meant to be. En, the cheerful and intelligent son of the Shogun, watched as his people were falsely accused and attacked in the dead of night. En became the last survivor of a mass slaughter and enslavement of his people, and with the seed of hatred planted deep within him, he vowed to become the strongest and seek revenge on those who wronged his kind. But as En's power grew, so did the chaos and turmoil in the world around him. Join En as he sets out to change the course of fate, encountering new allies and enemies, and witnessing firsthand how the actions of a single Oni can change the entire world. Notice: (1) the cover art isn't mine, if your the artist and you want it to be removed please do say so. Notice: (2) This is my first time ever writing a novel, I dont have any experience like none, so if theres any grammar and spelling mistakes please do point them out. Notice: (3) English isn't my first language, I am not really that great in terms of speaking and writing in english so if theres any words that i can't convey i am sorry. Notice: (4) I hope you enjoy, not that anyone's gonna even read this... Also Notice: (5) Your Mom's FAT
3 parts