This is the English version of my work "His last note" that I wrote for the challenge organized by the Discord Server "221B Baker Street" (invite link: ) Prompt: • "It's what people do, don't they - leave a note?" John can't stop to think about those words. Sherlock was never one of those people who said something for no specific reason. Every single word he said was carefully thought out and chosen. John is sure that even that phrase has mean something. And that's why John starts looking for a possible note left by Sherlock. (May or may not find it) • Lazarus "Just before Sherlock's fake suicide, he and Molly are planning how to make it happen, the different possible plans, what to do next and whether they should tell John everything. Molly thinks John had better know the truth because otherwise he'd be in a lot of pain, and Mycroft (who obviously knows what's going on and comes immediately) would prefer John to go with him, but Sherlock thinks it's too dangerous, so they ultimately decide to hide the truth to John. "All Rights Reserved