In the quiet mountain town of South Park, a group of dangerous individuals known as the Yanderes lurk in the shadows. Kyle, Wendy, and Butters are three such individuals, consumed by obsessive love and willing to go to extreme lengths to keep their respective partners close. When their loved ones are threatened by the advances of others, the Yanderes resort to violence, leaving a trail of destruction in their wake.
As the Yanderes navigate their dangerous and unpredictable world, they encounter new friends who share their tendencies towards obsession and violence. Together, they form a tight-knit group, determined to protect their loved ones at all costs.
But as they become more and more consumed by their dangerous game of possession, the Yanderes find themselves spiraling out of control. Will their obsessive love lead them down a path of destruction, or will they find a way to break free from the dangerous cycle of love and violence?
Olivia was taken from her family at the age of 2 by her families rivals.
She can't remember anything before then, the only thing she can remember is living with her "mother" and step father.
The Rivera's were mentally destroyed after her disappearance.
Her father spent 14 years searching for her until his sudden death leaving the 6 brothers distraught.
Olivia always thought she deserved a loving home, what will she do when her "parents" "pass" away due to their addiction?
She finds out she has 6 older brothers, will they take her in? Will they find out she has some secrets of her own? What will she do?
Read on to find out!!