"The Lost Prince" is a One Piece fanfiction story that follows the journey of Zoro, who discovers that he is actually a lost prince of a kingdom. As he seeks to uncover the truth about his past and reclaim his rightful place as the kingdom's ruler, he joins forces with the Straw Hat Pirates and sets out on a series of adventures across the world of One Piece.
Throughout the story, Zoro faces many challenges and obstacles, from powerful enemies and treacherous seas to internal struggles and personal demons. But with the help of his newfound friends, he learns to overcome his fears and doubts and becomes a stronger, more skilled warrior.
Along the way, Zoro also grapples with his growing feelings for a male love interest, which adds a romantic subplot to the story. The relationship between Zoro and his love interest is portrayed with sensitivity and depth, adding an emotional layer to the adventure-filled plot.
This is set in a alternate universe where Zoro did not meet luffy and crew yet
another republish
Luffy x Hancock
Zoro x robin
Sanji x Nami
random, made up character in the story
Strawhats visit an island with any and every plant, looking for medicine for robin, but ruin themselves in the process
light fluff + Hancock is a member in this fic
Written in like 2018-19
Not nearly as good as my remastered story, as I've improved, gonna remaster a few others that i can't republish, but I'll upload these older ones for memories. Only writing as a hobby now, so it'll be several weeks between chapters or just a day, depending on how motivated or in-the-mood i am to write