Sequel to Thicker Than Blood!
DISCLAIMER: This story doesn't fully follow the Resident Evil timeline and isn't meant to!
Leon is assigned a mission that his longtime partner, Claire, has been researching. Though, when the two set off to find missing ex S.T.A.R.S member, Rebecca Chambers.. They are met with a truth that neither of them had expected; And would do anything to change their new coming friend's lives for the better.
" After that, the rejoicing only got louder. All four of them were cheering as the heavy relief settled in. All of that weight was finally lifted off their shoulders. For once, all of the pressure and weight was gone... Feeling lighter than air itself. There was no more worry at that moment. At that moment, there was no more pain. Just joy and rejoicing. Finally, after all of that fighting, the war was over. All of those memories had been tied and concealed. It was all over now. He was no longer William Collins. Now, he was finally himself again. He was Billy Coen."