(Verb). To forget.
The torment of not being remembered by his first and only love was too much for him. First, the games took away his innocence, that he could bear, then, they took away his freedom; that too he endured, but when they took her away, that was when it destroyed him.
Try as he might to make her remember, Mareena never did. However, when the Quarter Quell shakes up both their lives again, this time, Finnick will make sure they can never take her away from him again.
↣Finnick Odair fanfic based on the second and third Hunger Games movies/books.
↣My own story, no copies, adaptations, etc. allowed without my permission.
Finnick Odair X fem! OC
Just because someone volunteers, it doesn't mean they want to be a tribute... especially when their sibling is already a victor.
Briar may be small, but you should never underestimate her. She's been called a myriad of things through her life- Little Bird, B, my love, the twin- but none of them can fully define someone who creates the spark that the rebels so desperately need.
"How am I supposed to watch you risk your life?"
"The same way I watched you do it two years ago... full of fear and hope."
Pre Hunger Games -- -- Mockingjay