Variant follows the character of Benson Fisher as he's sent to Maxfield Academy on a scholarship. To him this is an opportunity to leave his unhappy life and take on a hopeful new future. As soon as he arrives at school he discovers that the school is constantly supervised and that rule breaking is not tolerated at all. In order to survive, you must join one of the three groups on campus. Benson quickly discovers that the groups are constantly at each other's throats, and that it's a much more dangerous game than he had anticipated. With no adults obviously present, it's everyone for themselves. The students are supervised by unknown people, communicating by video and messages, but never in person. With his new friends, Benson discovers that there's a deeper and more sinister secret at stake. In order to survive, he must escape, but due to the school's strict rules, escape is not tolerated. Nothing is as it seems as he attempts to make it out of the school alive. Androids, punishments, and deceit will figure as he tries to figure out what is going on.
Please This character do not belong to me it belong to Robinson Wells