A slice of life series in which Raiden Ei's partner attempts to bond with her emo, angsty stepson, Kunikuzushi (Scaramouche). They will have goofy quarrels, petty competitions, and find familial love. Hey, it ain't perfect but it's what they've made out of it.
A/n: I just wanna live out my family dreams of being with mah loveleh wife, Ei, and my super prodigious and equally bratty son, Kuni :))
There's little bits of cuss words sprinkled here in there.
But I hope u guys enjoy this for the shiggles!
[Disclaimer: All characters, except the reader, are created by Hoyoverse. The cover is also by another and not myself. I do not claim any credit to the mentioned subjects. The story revolving them are however, my own].