Her smile widened as she pulled herself to look at him. "Because my Dadaji once said that dharmic duty is of highest order a man can entrust with in his life and I've heard so many great things about yours, I'm sure he wants nothing less than the best there is for you."
It was then that she saw it, a small charm in his hand. With a smile that suffocated her every time she saw it, and making it harder to not fall for him even harder, Arnav took her hand in his, softly, ever so slowly, adding a fourth charm.
A building
Bringing her hand for a closer look, Khushi took in the charm - a one storied structure in its 3-Dimensional, its porch tailed by flower pots on either sides, its balconies facing away from each other, lending privacy for its residents. It was raw, its design still half incomplete but the details were splendid. It was a place Khushi would like to live in. It was a place Khushi would want to design.
Arnav Raizada is a self-made man with his path preset by his late grandfather. His ultimate goal is to fulfil the elder man's wishes, along with the directions to be followed, in a Will that only complicated already estranged relations. Simple. Easy.
But when the distraction came in the form of Khushi Gupta, a young, innocent and naïve girl he is obliged to protect from their very first meeting, challenging his every belief and droving his insane, the clear course of action become blurry, leaving him in the dark.
Will he able to fulfill the wishes with his heart and her innocence intact? Or will his responsibilities demand a price he can never afford to pay?
Follow the journey of Arnav and Khushi to know how a simple wish can drive two lovers together or apart.
The names of some of the characters belong to "IPKKND", but the story, characters, events and relationships are author's. Images, music and quotes added here belongs to their owners.